Picture Framing Shops


Dortdivan has been serving the frame industry continuously since the year it started to produce picture frame profiles, its main business in 1975. In our company, which is one of the most known companies in the world in terms of plastic frame profiles, you can find 500 plastic and 100 wooden profiles in any style, any style and colors in almost 3000 different variations and you can obtain them immediately from our wide stocks.

In addition, Dortdivan will offer you the best price in your hotel, restaurant or construction project and will support you, our valuable business partners, to be one step ahead of their competitors in today's competitive world.

You can find all that is needed for the frame stores in Dortdivan. We offer solutions for your new store installation, machine upgrades and capacity increases.

You can find thousands of different framing accessories, from paspartu cardboard to hanger apparatuses, from canvas chassis to hanger wire, from frame assembly machines to back closure cloths, from the world's best brands and the most economical products.